As well as consumer products, SagaNatura offers a range of active compounds and technical expertise.
We produce natural Angelica and astaxanthin in both extract and oil, suitable for use in supplements, nutraceuticals and other fields.

Astaxanthin Oleoresin
High quality Astaxanthin oleoresin. Available in 5%, 7% and 10%. Contact us for more information.

Astaxanthin powder
High quality Astaxanthin powder. Available in 5%. Contact us for more information.

Angelica Leaf Extract
Angelica Extract features numerous bioactive compounds. It helps people with overactive bladder condition.
Archangelica angelica (to give it its full name) is a wild-growing organic plant.
Our team of scientists has been studying the molecules found in the leaves and seeds of Archangelica for almost 3 decades, uncovering a number of valuable bioactive compounds.
We have drawn on a range of preclinical studies and clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of these compounds, and our research background has helped us to develop new ways to harness the vital elements of this amazing plant.
Icelandic Astaxanthin from Saga Natura, which goes by the name AstaKey™, is harvested using the freshwater microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis and green enerygy from Iceland.
What is Astaxanthin?



These improvements were associated with a 33% decrease in the circulating levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and a 59% reduction in the levels of isoprostane (4). Both MDA and isoprostane are indicators of lipid peroxidation, which is the oxidative breakdown of lipids caused by free radicals. Supporting these findings, studies have confirmed that Astaxanthin has a direct effect on lipid peroxidation in cell membranes.
Why Astaxanthin?
Angelica from SagaNatura

