AstaSkin: Pure and Natural solution for Healthy and glowing skin
ASTASKIN - Nature’s way to protect the skin AstaSkin benefits the skin in many ways and is an all-in-one skin product. The blend contains 3 key active ingredients plus a variety of vitamins for optimal skin health: Pure and high-quality Icelandic Astaxanthin (6mg),...
Nature´s power: High-quality Astaxanthin softgels from Iceland
High-quality Astaxanthin softgels from Iceland Astaxanthin from Saga Natura is produced in a sustainable way using high-tech green houses, renewable hydroelectric energy and pure Icelandic water. Astaxanthin softgels from Saga Natura are vegan friendly and contain 4...
Sustainable Angelica harvesting in pure Icelandic environment: Harvesting season concluded with great success
Saga Natura has finished the harvesting of Angelica archangelica this summer in Iceland. Thanks to the pure nature, clean water and beautiful weather in this country, Saga Natura harvesting team has successfully collected the target amount of Angelica leaves...
The History of SAGAPRO®-A Botanical gift from Icelandic nature
SAGAPRO®, our flagship product for urinary health, contains an extract of Angelica archangelica, which has been one of Iceland's most prized herbs for over 1000 years. According to Iceland's oldest lawbook, Grágás, Angelica thieves were to be fined. Angelica...
Game changer from Iceland: Clinically-studied health supplement for overactive bladder
Overactive bladder is a common condition, affecting some 500 million people worldwide, often having a negative effect on daily life and quality of sleep. Companies and consumers are increasingly looking for a natural solution, free of side-effects. Our team of...
Special recognition of a development project
Hildur Margrét Gunnarsdóttir and Snædís Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir created the project "New strain of algae" in collaboration with SagaNatura and was nominated for the Innovation Award by the President of Iceland. The aim of the project was to develop methods that...
Tækifæri til örari vaxtar eftir samruna
Líftæknifyrirtækið SagaNatura þróar og framleiðir íslensk fæðubótarefni úr þörungum sem eru ræktaðir í Hafnarfirði og úr lífrænni ætihvönn úr Hrísey. Fyrirtækið er starfrækt í Hafnarfirði og markaðssetur vörur sínar undir tveimur vörumerkjum; KeyNatura og SagaMedica....
200 milljóna króna styrkur
Íslenska líftæknifyrirtækið SagaNatura hefur hlotið 200 milljóna króna styrk úr H2020 áætlun Evrópusambandsins sem nefnist SME Instrument. SagaNatura var meðal þúsunda fyrirtækja sem sóttu um styrkveitingu til Evrópusambandsins. SagaNatura er starfrækt í Hafnarfirði...